
I can provide you the following services:

You can read about my experience in the about section and my resume / CV. Continue reading to learn more about my offer or go straight to the contact form at the bottom of this page.


I can:

  • Show you a path to the desired features and estimate how long and complicated will it be,
  • Help you architect your app,
  • Audit your current codebase,
  • Provide consultations in other fields of mobile development,

Developers Training

I can train you and your mobile developers in the following techniques:

  • Testing & TDD (Android & Swift iOS),
  • RxJava/RxSwift,
  • Dependency Injection (Dagger2).
  • MVP/VIPER/MVVM Android Architecture,
  • Repository Design Pattern.

Code help

I can:

  • Help you get rid of crashes and unwanted behaviour,
  • Optimize your app performance, size and resource usage,
  • Refactor your code,
  • Solve any other complex problems.

App Development

My team and I, we can also create any mobile Android & iOS app for you.

Contact me!

Feel free to contact me on Linkedin, send me an email, or fill the form below.